Is my personal and credit card information safe on your website?
Answer :
Yes, we have taken several steps to ensure all information received from our online visitors is secure from unauthorized access and use. All transactions are completed on a secure server. In secure mode, your computer and our server send data back and forth in an encrypted format.
What Payment Methods Are Accepted?
Answer :
We accept multiple forms of payments; Visa, Mastercard and Amex
What Shipping Methods Are Available?
Answer :
We ship across north america using purolator which usually takes 3-5 business days from purchase order date. We ship internationally using DHL which can take 5-7 business days from purchase order date.
What are the shipping and return policies?
Answer :
North American orders are shipped for free and can be returned 30 days upon receipt of items. Internationally orders are shipped for $30 and have a 60 day return policy upon receipt of items. Please keep in mind shipping expenses for returns are at the expense of the customer, unless there is a defect.
Do you ship internationally?
Answer :
Yes we do using DHL. All returns have a 60 day return policy at the expense of the customer.
Can I request a refund if I'm not satisfied with my purchase?
Answer :
Yes, you have 30 days from receipt to return an item for a refund or an identical replacement pair of glasses. Please see the relevant section of the Returns policy for more information.
Where are your products made?
Answer :
Our products are hand-made in Italy and assembled in Canada. Our products are made by experienced professionals with an eye for detail. They are packed and shipped after undergoing extensive checks.

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